
the Lion

Sticker Set

Leopold project image


On my own account



My scope

  • Character development
  • Illustration creation
  • Provide Assets to the Line Creators Market


Line Sticker Market

About Leopold the Lion

At loss for words? Communicate with stickers. Leopold the Lion is a sticker set for the Japanese messenger app LINE. The set consists of 40 illustration, showing Leopold the lion in different moods to match your everyday joy and struggles in life. The stickers can be bought by LINE users in the LINE Sticker Store.


As a frequent user of the LINE app and a big fan of their character stickers, I was very eager to create my own set when they opened their sticker market to external creators in 2014. Illustrating, especially character icons, is something I really enjoy and doing this for the LINE sticker market made it the perfect combination for a personal project. I was able to practice my illustration skills and learn how to contribute to LINE's creator market while having a lot of fun and achieving a personal goal at the same time.


iPhone mock up
Stickers in action

Sticker Set

All stickers
All 40 characters of the sticker set
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